Paperless Back to School "Paperwork"

Please complete the workflows in Aspen to complete your Back to School "Paperwork". Click for more information.
It’s that wonderful time of year again when you start to think about sending your children back to school! Once again, back to school paperwork won’t be a part of it this year with the workflows in your Aspen Family Portal.
Use the link below to view a short tutorial on the workflows.
If you need assistance with your Aspen credentials, please contact the school your child attends directly. The office clerks and guidance clerks have access to view account credentials or reset the password. Additionally, there is a self-recovery on the login page for forgotten passwords.
Please remember that you must use your Aspen Family username and password in order to complete the workflows (not the student username/password). Additionally, the Annual Health Collection and Update Student Emergency Card workflows will not reflect any changes until it is accepted by the school. Please do not submit more than once.